Friday, August 20, 2010

Immersion Assembly

“I don’t want to go to school today! I want to stay home and play games.” I moaned. My mum said "School is good for you so you can learn."

Wow as soon as I got to school I didn’t know how to get around the school because there were builders working on our hall extension. I just followed my friends then the bell went so we had to go to class. First up we had to go to the Immersion Assembly.

Then... we found out what we are learning about this term. Our topic is called Mighty Mariners. It is about people who have made amazing sea journeys. 

I thought to myself cool costumes. Mr Burt our (principal) had heaps of t-shirts on and he wasn't hot at all. His t-shirts represented to all the different parts of his journey to America. 

My favorite team was team 4 because they had really funny costumes on like Erick the Red and Lief Erickson and a pirate.

My second favorite team was team 5 (five) because Jessica Watson (Miss T) was funny with her jokes and she had a hilarous Aussie accent..

1 comment:

  1. Hey Raenan

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I think that you have done a good job on this Immersion Assembly post. Anyway Keep up the good work Well done.


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