Friday, June 8, 2012

Hendrix Character Description

I have a nephew that has curly hair and chubby cheeks do you? My nephew has this little cheeky smile every morning. His cute little eyes make me feel sorry for him when he’s crying.
   When my nephew and I play he always gets loud and makes every one angry at him. Most of the time Hendrix has lots of energy. When he gets in trouble he hits me as if I was the one who got him in trouble.
   Running around the house with a loud voice could only be one person in my house and that person is Hendrix. He likes playing wrestling with me and if I don’t he’ll start crying. Every time I’m playing with a rugby ball he wants to play with the ball I’m using even though he just had one. My nephew loves rugby so much that he trys to sing the National Anthem all time even when there is no game on, He is actually becoming quite good at it maybe one day he will sing it at an opening match...
   At times it can get annoying having  to play with Hendrix but I do enjoy kicking the ball around with him because he thinks I’m chasing him and that makes him laugh. with Hendrix but I do enjoy kicking the ball around with him because it makes him laugh as he chases it across the yard.  Sometimes we even play rugby in the lounge which my mum doesn’t like, only because she gets worried about us smashing the glass on the wall unit door, but when she hears him laugh she doesn’t seem to mind too much.  On Fridays we either lay in bed or sit on the floor watching wrestling, Hendrix is a big fan of wrestling  but gets scared when undertaker comes out or when his theme music begins to play. I’m not sure why this is but maybe it has something to do with the visual effects because it can be quite scary if you’re  not  used to it.

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